TC 250 NEMA Power Supply

AC Input / 132W DC and AC Outputs


  • For use in NEMA TS1 and TS2 cabinets
  • BABAA Compliant Optionally
  • For use in Traffic Intersection Control Systems
  • For use in LED Road Signs
  • High Efficiency / High Reliability
  • For use in existing and new configurations
  • Custom Configurations Available
OUTPUT VOLTAGE(S) 12V @ 5A, 24V @ 3A, 12VAC @ 0.25A
SKU: TC250


Jasper Electronics (JE) model TC250-055-G is a component TC250 NEMA Power Supply module designed to meet or exceed the requirements of NEMA TS 2-2016 V03.07, as required for TS-2 Type 1 and TS-2 Type 2 traffic control cabinets that incorporate Bus Interface Units. This unit is available as BABAA Compliant optionally. TC250-055-G is rack mounted and fully enclosed, providing up to 132 Watts to two regulated DC outputs and a single unregulated AC output, and include a line frequency reference for use in detector racks, load switches and auxiliary components of traffic control cabinets.

TC250 modules are convection cooled, with an extended operating temperature range. These units are designed for non-redundant “cold pluggable” installation in the end product. AC input, PE, DC power output and signal connections are via 12-circuit connector on the rear of the chassis. Line-side input fuse and individual output fuses are user accessible on the front panel, adjacent to I/O LED condition indicators. Changes affecting the form, fit, function or other features outlined in this document shall not be permitted without prior notification and approval of the user.

Voltage/ Current RatingAC 90-250V, 47-63Hz, 1.6A max, Single Phase
Power Factor>0.98 line PFC typical at AC 115V, full load
FusingAC 3.0A, 250V delayed (slow-blow) action 3AG 6.35x31.75mm glass cartridge type external line
fuse provided, operator accessible
Inrush CurrentSoft start (~25ºC cold start) 30Apk @ AC 115V
EfficiencyAt AC 115V: >84%.
Under Voltage ProtectionAuto output shutdown when AC input falls below safe operating limits (75V±4V AC). Automatic
recovery when input rises to within normal operating range (85V±4V AC)
Model TC250-055-G
Voltage/Current (V/A)V1 12.0V DC / 5.0A
V2 24.0V DC / 3.0A
V3 ~ 12.0V AC / 0.25A @ 120V AC nom.
~ 7.5V AC min. @ 89V AC input
Total loading not to exceed 120 Watts at 74ºC
Output Voltage SetpointFactory preset within ±2.0% of nominal voltage
Line Regulation<±2.0% at the output connection over the full AC input range and 0 – 100% output loading
Load RegulationV1: 12V±1.0V;
V2: 24V±2.0V
Minimum LoadingV1: 0.5A;
V2: 0.3A
Output Turn-on Delay< 1 Sec from AC turn on at 25ºC
Over/ Under ShootNone at turn-on or turn-off
Stability<±0.2% output drift after 20 minute warm-up
Temperature Coefficient<±0.02%/°C, 0° - 50°C, after 20 minute warm-up
Ripple and Noise (PARD)2.0V max peak-to-peak / 500mV RMS nominal at the output terminal with a 20MHz bandwidth
limit. May be measured with a 0.1μF ceramic capacitor in parallel with a 22μF tantalum capacitor connected between the measured output and its return
Over Voltage Protection (OVP)Non-crowbar type. V1_out rising to 125%±3% of nominal will cause V1, V2 outputs to latch off
Over Current/ Short Circuit ProtectionOutputs fused
Over Temperature ProtectionInternal temperature sensing. Causes output to shut down. Automatic recovery
Output Transient ProtectionMinimum 1500W voltage transient suppressor provided
Output FusingAC 250V delayed (slow-blow) action 3AG 6.35x31.75mm glass cartridge type external fuse
provided in the (+) outputs, operator accessible. V1: 7.0A; V2: 4.0A; V3: 0.50A
LED IndicatorsFront panel mounted, single-color LEDs for input power, V1, V2, V3 outputs and line frequency
ref. Green indicates input and outputs are functioning within specifications, off indicates a fault
Output Test PointsThree “banana jack” type test sockets provided on the front panel, color coded red and black.
Allows operator to verify V1, V2 output voltage
Line Frequency SignalA terminal on the I/O connector provides a 60Hz AC Line Frequency reference rated at 50mA
(Refer to JE Outline Configuration Dwg, P/N 044266-000-G.)
Weight1.68Kg [3.70lbs]
SizeRefer to the JE Outline Dwg or the Mechanical Outline in this data sheet
Operating Temperature-34.6º – +165.2ºF (-37.0º – +74.0ºC) ambient at full load
CoolingConvection only
Relative HumidityUp to 95% RH, non-condensing
Operational Vibration0.75G peak, 5 – 500Hz along three orthogonal axis
Storage Temperature-40º to +185ºF (-40º to +85ºC)
AltitudeOperating to 10,000 ft. Storage to 30,000 ft.
MTBFDesigned for 150,000 hrs at 25°C
CalibrationModules will maintain the output voltage and load capacity over the life of the equipment.
Annual re-calibration or routine maintenance service is not specified or required
Service Life7 years, typical, before replacement should be considered
Input/ Output ConnectorAmphenol MS3102 A18-PW:10 Circuit, 16 6A Male Contacts (13 amps/pin)
Note: Use of the specified mating connector is recommended. Refer to the Mechanical Outline Dwg. for pinout ID
Pin #Function
AAC Neutral
BLine Frequency Ref. Output
CAC Line Input
D+12VDC Output
E+24VDC Output
GLogic Ground
HEarth Ground
I+12 VAC Output
EMC designed to comply with the relevant industry standards of the authorities having jurisdiction - typically UL 60950-1,
CSA 22.2 and IEC 60950
Touch Current1.2mA max @ 50/60Hz, 264V AC per UL 60950 test procedures
(Sec. 5.0).
Routine Factory TestsDi-electric strength (hi-pot) to 2121V DC input-tochassis
and input-to-outputs; MegOhm to 500V

Model TC250 Datasheet