TC 206LS Caltrans Power Supply

AC Input, 120W Single DC Output


  • For use in Caltrans 332, 334, and 336 cabinets
  • BABAA Compliant Standard
  • For use in Traffic Intersection Control Systems
  • For use in LED Road Signs
  • High Efficiency / High Reliability
  • For use in existing and new configurations
  • Custom Configurations Available


TC206LS (Caltrans 206LS) Power Supply  is a chassis mounted, open frame, single output switching power supply capable delivering up to 120 Watts DC, and intended specifically for use in Caltrans TEES 332L, 334L and 336L cabinets fitted with PDA2-LS Power Distribution Assemblies. These are designed for non-redundant “cold pluggable” installation in the end product. AC input, PE, and DC power output connections are through a 6-circuit connector at the rear of the supply. This unit is convection cooled, with an extended operating temperature range. It is not interchangeable with earlier Caltrans Model 206 linear or current Model 206L switching type power supplies without requiring cabinet modifications. This model is BABAA Compliant standard.

TC206LS is similar to the original 206L but re-configured into a smaller overall size for use in compact Power Distribution Assemblies designated PDA2-LS. The compact PDA creates space for traffic cabinet vendors to install additional optional component modules. Changes affecting the form, fit, function or other features outlined in this document shall not be permitted without prior notification and approval of the user. Specific design requirements are detailed in the TEES document.

Voltage/ Current RatingAC 90-250V, 47-63Hz, 1.6A max, Single Phase
TEES MinimumAC 90-132V, 57-63Hz, 1.6A max
FusingAC 3.15A, 250V delayed (slow-blow) action
5x20mm AG cartridge type external line fuse provided, operator accessible. Fuse IEC 60127 certified.
Inrush CurrentSoft start (~25ºC cold start) 30Apk @ AC 115V
Power Factor>0.98 line PFC typical at AC 115V, full load
EfficiencyAt AC 115V:
>75% @ 1.0A;
>84% @ 2.5A;
>86% @ 5.0A
Voltage/Current (V/A)V1
Model CM121-5-M1375G24.0V, 5.0A
Total loading not to exceed 120 Watts at 74ºC
Output Voltage SetpointFactory preset within ±2.0% of nominal voltage
Line Regulation<±2.0% at the output connection over the full AC input range and 0 – 100% output loading
Minimum LoadingNone required
Output Turn-on Delay<200mSec from AC turn-on
Over/ Under ShootNone at turn-on or turn-off
Stability<±0.2% output drift after 20 minute warm-up
Temperature Coefficient<±0.02%/°C, 0° - 50°C, after 20 minute warm-up
Dynamic Response<±5.0% deviation with a 50% load change at a slew rate of 1A/μsec. Output recovers to within 5% in less than 300μsec
Ripple and Noise (PARD)2.0V max peak-to-peak / 500mV RMS nominal at the output terminal with a 20MHz bandwidth
limit. May be measured with a 0.1μF ceramic capacitor in parallel with a 22μF tantalum capacitor connected between the measured output and its return
Over Voltage Protection (OVP)Non-crowbar type from 27.6V to 32.4V
Over Current/ Short Circuit ProtectionProtected against overload from 6A to 8A and short-circuit faults. Automatic recovery when overload removed
Over Temperature ProtectionInternal temperature sensing. Causes output to shut down. Automatic recovery
Output Transient ProtectionMinimum 1400W voltage transient suppressor provided
Output FusingAC 8.0A, 250V delayed (slow-blow) action 5x20 AG cartridge type external fuse provided in the
(+) output, operator accessible. Fuse IEC 60127 certified
AC Power IndicatorFront panel mounted, single-color LED. Red indicates AC power ON. Off indicates an input fault
DC Power IndicatorFront panel mounted, single-color LED. Green indicates DC power ON. Off indicates an output fault
Output Test PointsTwo “banana jack” type test sockets provided on the front panel, color coded red and black. Allows operator to verify output voltage
(Refer to JE Outline Configuration Dwg, P/N 03751-000.)
Mounting OrientationDesigned for vertical insertion into a TEES speci-fied Power Distribution Assembly PDA #2LS
Weight1.25Kg [2.75lbs]
Retaining FastenerA single operator accessible 10-32 UNC captive panel fastener is provided on the front panel. PEM PF11-032-1
Operating Temperature-34.6º – +165.2ºF (-37.0º – +74.0ºC) ambient at full load
CoolingConvection only
Relative HumidityUp to 95% RH, non-condensing
Operational Vibration0.75G peak, 5 – 500Hz along three orthogonal axis
Storage Temperature-40º to +185ºF (-40º to +85ºC)
AltitudeOperating to 10,000 ft. Storage to 30,000 ft.
MTBFDesigned for 150,000 hrs at 25°C
Input/ Output Connector6-circuit (2x3) panel-to-panel plug with 0.250”[6.35mm]x0.055”[1.40mm] blade type contact
terminals, rated 15A/pin. General purpose black phenolic insulator material. Secured in the unit rear panel. Cinch model P-2406H-SB. Mates with Cinch model S-2406-SB or equivalent.
Note: Use of the specified mating connector is required to insure proper current capacity
Pin #Function
7+V1 (+24VDC) Output
8DC Ground
9Earth Ground
10No Connection
11N – Neutral (ACC) Input
12L – Line (AC) Input
Note: Pin number assignments per CalTrans spec TEES 2009.
Designed to comply with the relevant industry standards of the authorities having jurisdiction, typically UL 60950-1, CSA 22.2 and IEC 60950.
EMI FilteringMeets CISPR22B Level B, EN55022 Level B, and FCC Part 15, Level B, for conducted emissions
HarmonicsMeets EN 61000-3 (harmonics and voltage fluctuations)
Touch Current1.2mA max @ 50/60Hz, 264V AC per UL 60950 test procedures (Sec. 5.0)
Routine Factory TestsDi-electric strength (hi-pot) to 2121V DC input- to-chassis and input-to-outputs; MegOhm to 500V output-to-chassis

Model TC206LS Datasheet